Troost MAX To Open 1-1-11
Posted on: Sep 27, 2010

(Kansas City, Mo. – Sept. 27, 2010) The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) has announced the opening date of the Troost MAX bus rapid transit line: January 1, 2011.
Beginning New Year’s Day, Troost MAX will serve downtown, the Crossroads district, Hospital Hill, and midtown, going south along Troost to Bannister. The bus rapid transit route will serve the city’s highest ridership corridor, including the Green Impact Zone. It will feature green technologies, such as hybrid electric buses, rain gardens, and a pervious concrete park-and-ride. North of 75th Street, Troost MAX will run every 10 minutes on weekdays.
Construction Nearing Completion
Construction of the line is 80 to 85 percent complete. Approximately two-thirds of the MAX stations are in place. The real-time signs that will show when the next MAX vehicles will arrive at a stop are being customized at KCATA headquarters. Commissioned artwork that will be featured at three locations - 31st Street, 39th Street, and 75th Street - will be in place in November. Pavement improvements on the route are nearly 100 percent complete.
One of the delays KCATA faced was waiting for the closure of the Troost Bridge and the associated reroute. In order to begin creating the MAX schedule, KCATA is measuring traffic conditions in the area and will be able to build a reliable schedule for Troost MAX and the #25-Troost.
Public Outreach Begins Soon
KCATA will conduct education and outreach to the surrounding community and current Metro riders about the differences between MAX service and regular Metro service. MAX will have different stop locations from the existing Troost route and a new schedule. The local #25-Troost service will also have changes to its route and times.
Public participation has been a vital part of developing the Troost MAX line. KCATA held numerous meetings with the City of Kansas City, neighborhoods, and nearby businesses over the last few years, making the planning process a collaborative effort.
Troost MAX, also called the Green Line, will be the second MAX route in Kansas City. Main Street MAX, or the Orange Line, began in 2005. The first MAX line has doubled The Metro’s ridership in the Main Street corridor and has experienced high levels of customer satisfaction. MAX features the latest in transit technology, including real-time arrival information at MAX stations and traffic signal priority along the route. MAX uses easy-to-identify vehicles, and stops are well-lit with highly visible information markers.
For more information about MAX and Metro service, call the Regional Call Center at (816) 221-0660 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.