Downtown Service Improvement Concept
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, is currently served by 42 KCATA and eight Johnson County Transit “The JO” bus routes, designed primarily to transport workers into and out of downtown. The major focal point of service is KCATA’s 10th & Main Transit Center, but its small size requires many routes to operate to other locations in downtown. Consequently, there is currently little consistency in how bus service operates downtown. With development of new convention, sporting, and cultural facilities, Power and Light District, and more people moving downtown, travel demands are changing. This concept is designed to improve downtown transit service, better meet the evolving needs of Kansas City, and provide a better balance of service to residents, workers, and visitors.
Proposed Improvements
The proposed downtown service improvement concept includes the following interrelated elements:
- The reconfiguration of downtown routes based on an intersecting trunk route service design, forming Transit Emphasis Corridors (TEC) along Grand Boulevard and 11th and 12th Streets to simplify, accelerate, and improve downtown transit service.
- Facilitate connections between bus routes and streetcar service.
- Bus lanes on Grand Boulevard and on 11th and 12th Streets to make service faster and more reliable.
- The consolidation of regular bus stops into Transit Emphasis Corridor (TEC) Stations to make waiting more comfortable and service faster. TEC Stations would provide facilities and amenities similar to MAX stops.
- The development of a new East Village transit hub to improve connections and elimination of 10th & Main Transit Center.
Upgraded Barney Allis Station (Proposed) (click for larger view)
Map of Transit Emphasis Corridors Along 11th/12th Streets and Grand Blvd. (click for larger view)
Map of Proposed Downtown Alignment of JO routes (click for larger view)
Proposed near-term changes to 51-Ward Parkway (click for larger view)
Presentation from Feb. 11 meetings [PDF, 3MB]