ProspectUS is a community-based process to prepare an equitable and transit-oriented investment strategy along the Prospect MAX route. ProspectUS is a great opportunity for Kansas City. It is an opportunity to acknowledge history and the impact of inequitable policies while also celebrating the families, leaders, and efforts that have contributed to the legacy of this historic community.
Get all the details at the ProspectUS website.
Transit-oriented development – or “TOD” for short – is a term used to describe an approach to community development that emphasizes walkability, equity, empowerment, and access. This type of development will encourage long-lasting investments that will support existing residents and transit riders, welcome new neighbors, expand opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs, support mixed-income neighborhoods and housing options, and make Kansas City stronger. Investments in Main MAX and Troost MAX created a foundation for further investment in those areas. Recent investments in Prospect MAX transit provide a foundation from which the community and residents can benefit from improved access to the jobs, education, goods, and services this region has to offer. This process will allow the communities of the Prospect Avenue corridor to define their future and participate in its realization. The project is funded through a Federal Transit Administration grant awarded to City of Kansas City, Missouri and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA). The Prospectus project kicked off with community meetings in Summer 2022 and will continue through early Summer 2023.
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